IntelliLung AI Team at InfAI

AI for Breath, Health, and Life

Discover how the IntelliLung AI project is transforming the future of critical care, setting new standards for patient outcomes and clinician support.

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AI for Breath, Health, and Life

IntelliLung AI Team at InfAI

Discover how the IntelliLung AI project is transforming the future of critical care, setting new standards for patient outcomes and clinician support.

Each Breath Counts

The IntelliLung AI team at the InfAI institute is passionate and dedicated to revolutionizing medical AI domains, particularly with our groundbreaking IntelliLung project. With a strong foundation in AI and deep expertise in reinforcement learning and data science, we’re making strides to enhance critical care. Invasive mechanical ventilation, a lifesaver in intensive care units (ICU), often comes with challenges, particularly when paired with extracorporeal lung support in severe cases. Recognizing the potential harm of inappropriate mechanical ventilation settings—which can lead to organ damage and increase disease burden—our team is at the forefront of innovation.

Our approach leverages artificial intelligence to optimize ventilator and extracorporeal lung support device settings based on clinical recommendations and real-time patient data. By learning from deviations and patient conditions, we aim to refine lung support settings, minimizing the risk of damage and improving patient outcomes. Moreover, we’re passionate about bridging the communication gap between healthcare providers, patients, and their relatives. Through our AI solutions, we strive to make treatment decisions, especially those related to mechanical ventilation and extracorporeal lung support, more comprehensible and transparent.

The vision of the team behind the IntelliLung project, encapsulated in the motto “Each Breath Counts,” speaks to a profound commitment to improving patient outcomes in critical care through the innovative application of artificial intelligence.

“Each Breath Counts” underscores our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in intensive care. Through continuous learning and adaptation, the AI systems are designed to evolve and offer insights that can lead to breakthroughs in the way respiratory support is provided. The project recognizes the challenges healthcare providers face in making critical decisions under pressure. By providing AI-driven recommendations, the team aims to augment the expertise of clinicians, allowing them to make more informed decisions and focus on the holistic care of their patients.

Driven by innovation and a deep commitment to patient care, the IntelliLung team invites healthcare professionals, patients, families, and technology enthusiasts to stay tuned for transformative advancements in respiratory support. Together, we’re breathing new life into ICU care, one breath at a time.

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