IntelliLung Project Presentation at Euroanaesthesia 2024

The IntelliLung project was successfully presented at Euroanaesthesia 2024, which was held in Munich, Germany from May 25-27.

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ESAIC EXPO and Session

The IntelliLung project was successfully presented at Euroanaesthesia 2024, which was held in Munich, Germany from May 25-27. With more than 6,000 participants from over 110 countries, this conference is one of the world’s largest and most influential scientific congresses for anesthesia professionals. It provides a platform for knowledge exchange with peers, experts and industry. ESAIC is a member of the IntelliLung consortium working to improve patient care through personalized recommendations for mechanical ventilation.

Dr. Jakob Wittenstein, Scientific Project Coordinator, presented the vision and progress of the EU Horizon funded project during the session “EU Projects in action! Discover the ongoing research projects led by ESAIC within the EU consortium”. The session, part of the ESAIC Expo, was chaired by the Chair of the Research Committee, Prof. Mark Coburn.

The IntelliLung project also enjoyed significant visibility at the EU stand on the main ESAIC stand. Participants had the opportunity to explore detailed information and gain insights into the project’s innovative approach and potential impact on patient care and the vision to optimize invasive mechanical ventilation through an AI-based decision support system.

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