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Panel discussion about AI in Intensive Care Medicine

The panel discussion about AI in intensive care medicine provided fascinating insights into the topic from different perspectives.

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„How is artificial intelligence changing intensive care medicine?”

The COSMO Science Forum at the Kulturpalast in Dresden hosted this panel discussion on 14 November 2023. The invited speakers provided the audience with fascinating insights into the topic from different perspectives.

One of the speakers was Dr. Jakob Wittenstein, project leader of the IntelliLung Project. This EU HORIZON funded project aims to help optimize mechanical ventilation for intensive care patients with artificial intelligence. AI can be used to learn from experts in mechanical ventilation in an attempt to accomplish lung support with reduced risk of damage.

More than 25 interested visitors came to learn more about current research and applications of artificial intelligence at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden. The question “How is artificial intelligence changing intensive care medicine?” led to a lively exchange between the audience and the invited panel guests, which provided fascinating insights into the topic from different perspectives.

At the end of the evening all speakers agreed that AI in medicine should be developed in collaboration with all stakeholders in order to ensure its utility and effectiveness. It is therefore even more important that physicians and computer scientists work closely together. The philosophical perspective as well should be more closely integrated into the planning and development of AI in medicine. It was also discussed which AI-supported devices we (want to) trust. Finally, according to the panel, there is still a lot to discuss when it comes to data protection and the collection of anonymous data sets. The visitors concluded that it is important for doctors and computer scientists to work closely together for the benefit of patients.


The panel members were:

  • Jana Luntz, Director of Nursing at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden
  • Jakob Wittenstein, clinical scientist and physician at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden
  • Dipl.-Ing. Mattis Hasler, engineer at the Barkhausen Institute
  • PD Dr. Rico Hauswald, research associate at the Institute of Philosophy, TU Dresden.
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