Prospective observational study started in January

The study will focus on collecting data from patients throughout their entire ICU stay and beyond, tracking key metrics such as ventilator-free days, and survival rates.

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Prospective observational study started in January

Beginning in January 2025, the project partners will include more than 500 patients across multiple centers in a prospective observational clinical study. The study will focus on collecting data from patients throughout their entire ICU stay and beyond, tracking key metrics such as ventilator-free days, and survival rates. The study will include patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and also non-ARDS patients who require intubation for more than 24 hours. The project consortium aims to validate the IntelliLung algorithm with this real-world data.



The AI-based decision support system (AI-DSS) analyzes clinical data – such as vital signs, blood gas analysis, and medication usage. Based on this data, the AI provides the ICU teams with recommendations on critical ventilation settings, such as oxygen levels, tidal volume and positive end-expiratory pressure. The system is designed to provide real-time, personalized guidance to help optimize ventilator settings for individual patients.

Funded by the EU Horizon program, IntelliLung aims to optimize invasive ventilation of critically ill patients. Using the patient’s clinical data, an AI-based decision support system provides the care team with recommendations for invasive mechanical ventilation settings. The goal is to minimize ventilation time, reduce the length of stay in the intensive care unit and reduce mortality.

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